
Latest updates on the ramble

Thank you – 2023

21 November 2023

T H A N K – Y O U

Thank you all for attending another hugely successful Garden Ramble and supporting our event.

🌸 Thanks must go to the amazing garden owners who worked tirelessly behind the scenes to prepare for sharing their little slices of paradise. You make this event what it is, and open your lovely properties to people so generously. We really do appreciate you all!

💰The final count of profit from the weekend came to an incredible $13,220 – This amount is so amazing for us at Mangawhai Kindergarten.

📅 Additionally, a date has been set for 2024!

We are happy to announce 9 & 10 November 2024 as the weekend to be in Mangawhai! Please feel free to add the date to your calendars, with more to come.

If you would like your garden to be included in 2024 please contact us, and it’s never too soon ➡️


BRING ON 2024!

2023 tickets on sale now!

20 October 2023

Our tickets have gone on sale! You can grab one from today using our online booking form and paying by bank transfer, or pop in to one of the wonderful local retail outlets who are selling them on our behalf:

Bammas Surf Shop

Mangawhai Books and Gifts

Wyatt’s Landscape & Garden Supplies

So, gather your friends! Plan a weekend in Mangawhai! Join us for the 21st Annual Mangawhai Garden ramble :)

Spring has sprung at mangawhai kindergarten

20 September 2023

We are very lucky to have SPACE at our little kindergarten, and some green fingered teachers and whānau. This spring the garden is really coming to life and showing what can be achieved in a relatively small space!

Here are a few favourite captures from the garden of late!